Rua Latino Coelho, No. 02 - Q2 Compensa CEP: 69036-420 Manaus - AM
Tels.: Contato Comercial: (92) 98112-2769 TECA III: (92) 3653-4659 SUPERTERMINAIS: (92) 3629-2705 CHIBATÃO: (92) 3624-8513 |
I. Import Elaboration of importation dispatch and making of the PLI until the clearance of goods. Execution of calculations according to application of pertinent legislation, including recognition of taxes and taxes due. Typing and conference of data and any other measures necessary and/or demanded for customs clearance of imported goods or shipment of goods to be interned. Follow-up of the physical clearance of imported good. Technical support for import. Elaboration of importation statement (D.I.) by CODAMA LTDA, which force itself to consult the CUSTOMER, which will give information about payment modality, ROF number, payment stated period etc. In Importation statement are inside next activities below described: Receive of documentation in the customer (motoboy). Documentation analysis Assessorship for fiscal classification Making of PLI. Back of A.L.I.s to making of D.I. Entry of BL (bill of landing) in shipping agency / MINFRA. Packing List. Making of DI in five ways with BL and invoice. Entry in ministry of agriculture. Notification in the SEFAZ. Parametrization review and delivery to the inspect agency (Federal Revenue). Disembarrassment/inspection of dispatch on the warehousing together the Federal Revenue. Delivery of released good to carrier. Assessorship about customs laws. Emission of inside reports with status of process. Statement customs traffic (DTA) Invoice disembarrassment in the Teca III. |
Codama Despachantes Aduaneiros - Manaus - AM |