Rua Latino Coelho, No. 02 - Q2 Compensa CEP: 69036-420 Manaus - AM
Tels.: Contato Comercial: (92) 98112-2769
TECA III: (92) 3653-4659
SUPERTERMINAIS: (92) 3629-2705
CHIBATÃO: (92) 3624-8513

Proud of the past Compromised with the present Prepared for the future
Prepared for the future

Globalization, a common word in our day-by-day that suggests instantaneous transformations and requires fast actions.

Codama is in constant transformation, investing continuously on technology and the qualification of its employees.

For Codama the future starts now.
Codama Despachantes Aduaneiros - Manaus - AM